By Ken MacIsaac
Last month, an announcement was made stating Sydney Speedway owner Greg Dowe officially sold the track to local businessmen Kyle MacKinnon and Lynden MacDougall. Here’s an update on the speedway from co-owner MacDougall.
Before you tell me about all the upgrades and improvements you’re doing, do you have plans to open this year?
Well, first of all, Kyle (MacKinnon) really wanted to be here to talk to you as well, but he’s busy paving during the daytime. As for an opening, we’re looking at having 1 or 2 races in the late fall.
As we walk through the pit entrance., tell me what your plans are for this area?
Our plan is to move the pit entrance back farther. We want to make more room for parking along the fence in turns 1 and 2. We want to have more handicapped parking and reserved parking as well. The plan is to have two-tiered parking. A lower level against the fence, and an upper level behind that. Then the pit entrance road would go between the two levels.
What about the track itself?
We’re going to wait it out on the pavement repairs, because Kyle is in his busy season now. We’ll see where the bad sections are and make repairs. Greg paved the turns which is good, but the backstretch is pretty bumpy. We’ll look at that.
When you come off the track in turn 2, you used to go into the pits on an angle. It just took up too much space. So now, you’ll come straight off turn 2 into the pits and head towards the tech shed area. We moved the tech shed closer to the woods, and we’ve cleared some more area there too. Before, the tech area was in the center of the pits. We wanted it off to the side. It’s less congested that way too.
We’re going to grade the pits to level. There’ll be no more dips in the parking area, it’ll all be smooth and level. We’re gonna have the pit parking more organised. So when you come in with your truck and trailer, you’ll be parking on a slight angle, similar to Riverside or Petty. There’ll be no more looking for a spot in the grass back there. We’re gonna put the grand stands back in the pits all along the backstretch. We’ll have a section for spotter’s too. It’ll either be a designated grandstand, or an actual platform for them. So that area will be built up and the haulers will be parked behind that. Once we get rolling, we’ll look at getting concrete pads for parking spots.
Now the old pit entrance off turn 4 hasn’t been used in years. We’re going to redo that area and that’ll be where the haulers will leave the track. The plan is to fill in behind turns 3 and 4 and install grand stands there along with a concession area. That won’t happen this year, but it’s in the long term plan. The old road will be pushed back. We’ll move the score board in turn 3 to up between 1 and 2.
What about the tower?
The birds got in there over the winter so we got that all cleaned up and disinfected. We actually thought we’d have to tear it down. But the boys got in there and pressure washed it three times. It looks good up there now. We thought about replacing it, but it’s actually in good shape. So we’re just gonna stiffen it up more, put some windows back in it, put siding on it. That kind that kind of stuff.
Have you thought about classes?
I think they have a pretty good set of classes right now, so that’s what we’ll run. Guys started building 6 cylinder cars so we’re gonna keep that rolling and run them too. There’s alot of interest in that class and we want to keep it as a low cost efficient class.
How’s the canteen?
We’re going to do some upgrades to it. It needs permits and inspections which is a whole different ballgame. We’ll likely have a food truck on site for the fall races. We have lots plans for the canteen, but it just won’t happen this year. We’re also going to build actual washrooms beside the canteen too. There won’t be port-a-potties there, but an actual building to go into it.
How about the grandstands?
There’s quite a few boards that have to replaced. Some piping that needs replaced and welded in. We’ve already replaced some of the boards.
How did the track purchase come about?
We were in negotiations to buy this back in April. But another guy jumped in with a higher offer, but that deal fell through. So Greg accepted our offer, but we lost a few months that we could’ve been working here. We would’ve had alot done in the spring months because Covid restrictions were in full effect. We would’ve had a crew here full time. But as the restrictions were lifting, we all went back to our jobs. So we basically lost 4 months of progress.
What about staff?
We ‘ll need staff. We’re going to build things to make it easier for them too, like a ticket booth for the pit entrance.
Can guys still practice at the track?
Absolutely. Get in touch with Kyle or myself for track rentals.
Have you talked to any of the previous track owners?
Greg (Dowe) has been good to deal with, but we’ve also talked alot with Bud Greer who built this place. He’s given us alot of tips and information.
So is it safe to say we can expect to see racing here this year?
The best case scenario is October. No guarantees, but that’s what we’re shooting for. The work we’re doing out here now isn’t creating any money, so we have to work our day jobs to make money to support this. It takes alot of time and cost to run this place and do the upgrades here. The fuel alone is so expensive. I mean, we have the gear, but to run it everyday here is costly. So we’re working at it daily. Covid is another thing. Now Riverside and Scotia put alot of time into developing their plan with sectioning off areas with seperate entrances and sections for fans. That plays into our opening as well. So stay tuned. We’ll make an announcement as we get stuff done.
Guys who have cars, hold onto them. It’s coming back, and it’ll be twice as good.